Regular Article - Theoretical Physics
Insights on Granda–Oliveros holographic dark energy: possibility of negative dark energy at
Department of Physics, Cochin University of Science and Technology, 682022, Kochi, India
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In holographic dark energy (HDE) models, infrared cut-offs with derivatives of the Hubble parameter, such as the Granda–Oliveros cut-off, offer a coherent explanation for late-time acceleration while ensuring causal consistency. We show that such HDE will inevitably mimic the dominant energy forms unless we forcefully calibrate the free parameters. This feature reveals the dependency between the model’s ability to explain the late-time acceleration and the integration constant, highlighting that one cannot arbitrarily set this constant to zero. We see that the origins of HDE and the Friedmann equations from the first law of horizon thermodynamics offer a natural explanation for this behaviour. Thus, the holographic principle naturally extends to all energy components, diverging from the prevalent notion in HDE models. The model also allows dark energy to transit from an early negative energy to a present positive value, with a singular dark energy equation of state parameter, which can relax the tension in the BAO Lyman- observations. Furthermore, we present observational constraints utilizing Pantheon
OHD, CMB Shift parameter, QSO and BAO data, indicating the presence of early negative energy as an unavoidable consequence. Upon using the SH0ES prior, we see that the model accounts for the Hubble parameter at the cost of affecting the matter density while simultaneously relaxing the tensions in BAO Lyman-
observations and the age estimations. This study also underscores notable features stemming from the comprehensive utilization of the covariance matrix within cosmic chronometers, BAO and CMB distance prior and clarifies the implications of negative dark energy density derived from the high redshift Pantheon
sample. Additionally, we provide a brief overview of the theoretical framework surrounding linear perturbation within the wGOHDE model.
© The Author(s) 2024
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Funded by SCOAP3.