Regular Article - Theoretical Physics
Superentropic black hole shadows in arbitrary dimensions
Département de Physique, Equipe des Sciences de la matière et du rayonnement, ESMaR, Faculté des Sciences, Université Mohammed V de Rabat, Rabat, Morocco
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We investigate the shadow behaviors of the superentropic black holes in arbitrary dimensions. Using the Hamilton–Jacobi mechanism, we first obtain the associated null geodesic equations of motion. By help of a spheric stereographic projection, we discuss the shadows in terms of one-dimensional real curves. Fixing the mass parameter m, we obtain certain shapes being remarkably different than four dimensional geometric configurations. We then study theirs behaviors by varying the black hole mass parameter. We show that the shadows undergo certain geometric transitions depending on the spacetime dimension. In terms of a critical value , we find that the four dimensional shadows exhibit three configurations being the D-shape, the cardioid and the naked singularity associated with
, respectively. We reveal that the D-shape passes to the naked singularity via a critical curve called cardioid. In higher dimensions, however, we show that such transitional behaviors are removed.
© The Author(s) 2022
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