Regular Article - Theoretical Physics
Non-radial oscillations in anisotropic dark energy stars
Department of Physics, Amrita School of Physical Sciences, Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Coimbatore, India
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We study the non-radial f-mode oscillations of both isotropic and anisotropic dark energy stars by using the modified Chaplygin prescription of dark energy to model the stellar matter. The anisotropic pressure in the system is modeled with Bowers–Liang prescription. By solving the stellar structure equations in presence of anisotropy, we study the global properties of the dark energy star and compare the mass-radius profiles with data from GW events and milli-second pulsars. The stellar radial and anisotropic pressure profiles have also been investigated. We proceed to determine the prominent non-radial f-mode frequencies of the anisotropic dark energy star by employing the Cowling approximation and analyse and quantify the spectra by varying the anisotropic parameter. We report that f-mode spectra of dark energy star have distinctly different behaviour compared to neutron star and quark star, and this may possibly help in its future identification. Further, the tidal deformability factors of the anisotropic dark energy stars have also been analyzed.
© The Author(s) 2024
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