Regular Article - Theoretical Physics
Yadism: yet another deep-inelastic scattering module
Tif Lab, Dipartimento di Fisica, Università di Milano and INFN, Sezione di Milano, Via Celoria 16, 20133, Milan, Italy
CERN, Theoretical Physics Department, 1211, Geneva 23, Switzerland
Department of Physics, University of Jyvaskyla, P.O. Box 35, 40014, Jyvaskyla, Finland
Helsinki Institute of Physics, University of Helsinki, P.O. Box 64, 00014, Helsinki, Finland
Department of Physics and Astronomy, Vrije Universiteit, 1081 HV, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Nikhef Theory Group, Science Park 105, 1098, Amsterdam, XG, The Netherlands
The Higgs Centre for Theoretical Physics, University of Edinburgh, JCMB, KB, Mayfield Rd, EH9 3JZ, Edinburgh, Scotland
Published online:
We present yadism, a library for the evaluation of both polarized and unpolarized deep-inelastic scattering (DIS) structure functions and cross sections up to NLO in perturbative QCD. The package provides computations of observables in fixed-flavor and zero-mass variable flavor number schemes. The implementation of the general mass variable flavor number schemes is supported through the high virtuality limits for the heavy flavor coefficients. In addition, yadism provides a set of tools for the generation of interpolation grids in the PDF-independent PineAPPL format, allowing to test the PDF dependence on any DIS observable without needing to rerun the computation. This work is part of an ongoing effort to standardize the format of theory predictions in high-energy physics within the pineline framework. The code is open source, written in Python and documented to facilitate usage, integrations, and further extensions. Finally, the code has been benchmarked against the widely used APFEL++ and QCDNUM libraries.
© The Author(s) 2024
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