Regular Article - Theoretical Physics
Multi-tracing the primordial Universe with future surveys
Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of the Western Cape, 7535, Cape Town, South Africa
Department of Physics, Stellenbosch University, 7602, Matieland, South Africa
Institute of Cosmology and Gravitation, University of Portsmouth, PO1 3FX, Portsmouth, UK
National Institute for Theoretical and Computational Sciences (NITheCS), 7535, Cape Town, South Africa
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The fluctuations generated by Inflation are nearly Gaussian in the simplest models, but may be non-Gaussian in more complex models, potentially leading to signatures in the late Universe. In particular, local-type primordial non-Gaussianity induces scale-dependent bias in tracers of the matter distribution. This non-Gaussian imprint in the tracer power spectrum survives at late times on ultra-large scales where nonlinearity is negligible. In order to combat the problem of growing cosmic variance on these scales, we use a multi-tracer analysis that combines different tracers to maximise any primordial signal. Previous work has investigated the combination of a spectroscopic galaxy survey with a 21 cm intensity mapping survey in single-dish mode. We extend this work by considering instead the case where the 21 cm intensity mapping survey is optimised for interferometer mode. As examples, we use two multi-tracer pairs of surveys: one at high redshift () and one at very high redshift (
). The 21 cm surveys are idealised surveys based on HIRAX and PUMA. We implement foreground-avoidance filters and use detailed models of the interferometer thermal noise. The galaxy surveys are idealised surveys based on Euclid and MegaMapper. Via a simple Fisher forecast, we illustrate the potential of the multi-tracer. Our results show a
20–30% improvement in precision on local primordial non-Gaussianity from the multi-tracer. Furthermore, we investigate the effects on constraints of varying the parameter of non-Gaussian galaxy assembly bias and of varying the parameters of the intensity mapping foreground filters. We find that the non-Gaussian galaxy assembly bias parameter causes a greater change in the constraints on local primordial non-Gaussianity than the foreground filter parameters.
© The Author(s) 2024
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Funded by SCOAP3.