Regular Article - Theoretical Physics
Electromagnetic form factors in noncommutative space time
Physics Department, Shiraz University, 71946-84334, Shiraz, Iran
Physics Department, Yazd University, P.O.Box 89195-741, Yazd, Iran
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Electric and magnetic moment distributions are presenting by form factors (FF)s. Noncommutative space-time (NCST) includes an additional Lorentz index which are effecting on FFs. In this content we investigate electron-proton elastic scattering to impose the noncommutative effect on FFs and to obtain their physical meaning. Two Rosenbluth and polarization methods are utilized in NCST. The second method is not affected by NCST. When we resort to polarization method, the ratio of electric form factor to magnetic form factor in NCST is identical to the one in normal space time. This indicates the priority of polarization method to measure experimentally the concerned ratio as is expecting. On the other hand, the pure NC effect makes to appear an extra ratio, denoted by . If we let the variation of this quantity to cover the difference between the experimental results for Resonbluth and polarization ratio then the accepted lower limit of as NC scale is achieved which is corresponding to 180 for the scattering angle.
© The Author(s) 2022
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