Regular Article - Theoretical Physics
Dynamical description of a quintom cosmological model nonminimally coupled with gravity
Faculty of Physics, University of Bucharest, POB MG-11, 405 Atomiştilor, 077125, Bucharest-Măgurele, Romania
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In this work we have studied a cosmological model based on a quintom dark energy model non-minimally coupled with gravity, endowed with a specific potential energy of the exponential squared type. For this specific type of potential energy and non-minimal coupling, the dynamical properties are analyzed and the corresponding cosmological effects are discussed. Considering the linear stability method, we have investigated the dynamical properties of the phase space structure, determining the physically acceptable solutions. The analysis showed that in this model we can have various cosmological epochs, corresponding to radiation, matter domination, and de Sitter eras. Each solution is investigated from a physical and cosmological point of view, obtaining possible constraints of the model’s parameters. In principle the present cosmological setup represent a possible viable scalar tensor theory which can explain various transitional effects related to the behavior of the dark energy equation of state and the evolution of the Universe at large scales.
© The Author(s) 2020
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