Regular Article - Theoretical Physics
The non-minimal coupling constant and the primordial de Sitter state
Theoretical Physics Division, National Centre for Nuclear Research, Ludwika Pasteura 7, 02-093, Warszawa, Poland
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Dynamical systems methods are used to investigate dynamics of a flat Friedmann–Robertson–Walker cosmological model with the non-minimally coupled scalar field and a potential function. Performed analysis distinguishes the value of non-minimal coupling constant parameter , which is the conformal coupling in five dimensional theory of gravity. It is shown that for a monomial potential functions at infinite values of the scalar field there exist generic de Sitter and Einstein–de Sitter states. The de Sitter state is unstable with respect to expansion of the Universe for potential functions which do not change faster than linearly. This leads to a generic cosmological evolution without the initial singularity.
© The Author(s) 2020
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