DOI: 10.1140/epjcd/s2005-02-011-3
Results of the first performance tests of the CMS electromagnetic calorimeter
The CMS Electromagnetic Calorimeter Group, P. Adzic1, R. Alemany-Fernandez2, 3, C. B. Almeida2, 3, 4, N. M. Almeida2, 3, G. Anagnostou5, M. G. Anfreville2, 6, I. Anicin1, Z. Antunovic1, 7, A. Asimidis2, 8, E. Auffray2, 9, S. Baccaro5, 10, 11, D. Barney2, 9, L. M. Barone5, 11, P. Barrillon2, 12, A. Bartoloni5, 11, S. Beauceron2, 6, F. Beaudette2, 9, K. W. Bell13, R. Benetta2, 9, M. J. Bercher5, 14, B. Betev1, 15, R. Beuselinck2, 12, A. Bhardwaj16, C. Biino1, 17, S. Bimbot5, 14, P. Bloch2, 9, S. Blyth18, M. Bonesini2, 19, P. Bordalo2, 3, A. Bornheim5, 20, J. M. Bourotte2, 5, 9, 14, D. Britton2, 12, R. M. Brown13, R. Bruneliere2, 1, 9, 21, P. Busson5, 14, T. Camporesi2, 9, N. Cartiglia1, 17, F. Cavallari5, 11, D. Chamont5, 14, P. Chang1, 22, Y. H. Chang18, C. Charlot5, 14, E. A. Chen18, R. Chipaux2, 6, D. J. Cockerill13, C. Collard5, 14, C. Combaret1, 21, S. Costantini5, 11, J. C. Da Silva2, 3, I. Dafinei5, 11, G. Daskalakis2, 9, G. Davatz1, 15, A. De Min2, 19, K. Deiters1, 23, M. Dejardin2, 6, R. Della Negra1, 21, P. Depasse1, 21, J. Descamp2, 6, G. Dewhirst2, 12, S. Dhawan5, 24, M. Diemoz5, 11, G. Dissertori1, 15, M. Dittmar1, 15, L. Djambazov1, 15, L. Dobrzynski5, 14, S. Drndarevic1, M. Dupanloup1, 21, M. Dzelalija1, 7, J. Ehlers1, 15, H. El Mamouni1, 21, A. Elliott-Peisert2, 9, I. Evangelou2, 8, B. Fabbro2, 6, J. L. Faure2, 6, J. Fay1, 21, F. Ferri2, 19, P. S. Flower13, G. Franzoni2, 19, W. Funk2, 9, A. Gaillac5, 14, C. Gargiulo5, 11, S. Gascon Shotkin1, 21, Y. Geerebaert5, 14, F. X. Gentit2, 6, A. Ghezzi2, 19, J. Gilly5, 14, A. S. Giolo-Nicollerat1, 15, A. Givernaud2, 6, S. Gninenko5, 25, A. Go18, N. Godinovic1, 26, N. Golubev5, 25, R. Gomez-Reino2, 9, P. Govoni2, 19, J. Grahl2, 27, P. Gras2, 6, J. Greenhalgh13, J. P. Guillaud2, M. Haguenauer5, 14, G. Hamel De Montechenault2, 6, M. Hansen2, 9, H. F. Heath28, J. A. Hill13, P. R. Hobson2, 29, D. Holmes28, A. G. Holzner1, 15, G. W. Hou1, 22, B. Ille1, 21, Q. Ingram1, 23, A. Jain2, 3, P. Janot2, 9, P. Jarry2, 6, M. A. Karar5, 14, S. K. Kataria5, 30, V. Katchanov5, 31, B. W. Kennedy13, K. Kloukinas2, 9, B. Koblitz5, 14, P. Kokkas2, 8, M. Korjik2, 32, N. Krasnikov5, 25, D. Krpic1, A. Kyriakis5, M. Lebeau2, 9, P. Lecomte1, 15, P. Lecoq2, 9, M. C. Lemaire2, 6, M. Lethuillier1, 21, W. Lin18, A. L. Lintern13, A. Lister1, 15, E. Locci2, 6, A. B. Lodge13, E. Longo5, 11, D. Loukas5, W. Lustermann1, 15, C. Lynch28, C. K. Mackay28, D. Maletic1, I. Mandjavidze2, 6, N. Manthos2, 8, A. Markou5, H. Mathez1, 21, V. Matveev5, 25, G. Maurelli1, 21, E. Menichetti1, 17, P. Meridiani5, 11, P. Milenovic1, G. Milleret5, 14, P. Mine5, 14, M. Montecchi5, 10, 11, M. Mur2, 6, Y. Musienko2, 33, 32, A. Nardulli1, 15, J. Nash2, 9, 12, H. Neal5, 24, P. Nedelec2, P. Negri2, 19, F. Nessi-Tedaldi1, 15, H. B. Newman5, 20, A. Nikitenko2, 12, M. M. Obertino2, 1, 27, 17, R. A. Ofierzynski1, 15, G. C. Organtini5, 11, P. Paganini5, 14, M. Paganoni2, 19, I. Papadopoulos2, 8, R. Paramatti2, 5, 9, 11, N. Pastrone1, 17, F. Pauss1, 15, P. Poilleux5, 14, I. Puljak1, 26, A. Pullia2, 19, J. Puzovic1, S. Ragazzi2, 19, S. Ramos2, 3, J. Rander2, 6, O. Ravat1, 21, M. Raymond2, 12, P. A. Razis5, 34, N. Redaelli2, 19, N. Regnault5, 14, D. Renker1, 23, S. Reucroft33, J. M. Reymond2, 6, M. Reynaud1, 21, S. Reynaud2, 9, T. Romanteau5, 14, F. Rondeaux2, 6, A. Rosowsky2, 6, C. Rovelli2, 19, R. Rusack2, 27, S. V. Rusakov5, 35, M. J. Ryan2, 12, H. Rykaczewski1, 15, T. Sakhelashvili1, 23, R. Salerno2, 19, M. Santos2, 3, 4, D. Schinzel2, 9, C. Seez2, 12, I. Semeniouk5, 14, P. Sempere Roldan2, 9, O. Sharif2, 29, P. Sharp2, 9, C. Shepherd-Themistocleous13, S. Shevchenko5, 20, R. K. Shivpuri16, G. Sidiropoulos2, 8, D. Sillou2, A. Singovski2, 27, Y Sirois5, 14, A. M. Sirunyan1, 36, B. Smith13, V. J. Smith28, M. Sproston13, H. Suter1, 15, J. Swain33, T. Tabarelli De Fatis2, 19, M. Takahashi2, 12, R. J. Tapper28, A. Tcheremoukhine37, I. Teixeira2, 3, 4, J. P. Teixeira2, 3, 4, O. Teller2, 9, F. A. Triantis2, 8, S. Troshin5, 31, N. Tyurin5, 31, S. Udriot1, 15, K. Ueno1, 22, A. Uzunian5, 31, I. Van Vulpen2, 9, J. Varela2, 9, 3, N. Vaz Cardoso2, 3, P. Verrecchia2, 6, P. Vichoudis2, 9, 8, G. Viertel1, 15, T. Virdee2, 9, 12, M. Wang1, 22, J. H. Williams13, I. Yaselli2, 29, N. Zamiatin37, S. Zelepoukine5, 31, M. Zeller5, 24, L. Y. Zhang5, 20, K. Zhu5, 20 and R. Y. Zhu5, 201 "Vinca" Institute of Nuclear Sciences and Faculty of Physics of University of Belgrade, 11000, Belgrade, Serbia and Montenegro
2 Laboratoire d'Annecy-le-Vieux de Physique des Particules, 74941, Annecy-le-Vieux, France
3 Laboratório de Instrumentação e Física Experimental de Partículas, 1000-149, Lisboa, Portugal
4 Instituto de Engenharia de Sistemas e Computadores, 1000-029, Lisboa, Portugal
5 Institute of Nuclear Physics "Demokritos", 153 10, Attiki, Greece
6 Centre d'Etudes Nucleaires de Saclay, 91191, Gif-sur-Yvette Cedex, France
7 Split University, PMF, 21000, Split, Croatia
8 University of Ioannina, 451 10, Ioannina, Greece
9 CERN, European Organization for Nuclear Research, 1211 Geneva 23, Switzerland
10 ENEA - CR Casaccia, 00060 S. Maria di Galeria, Roma, Italy
11 Universitá "La Sapienza", Dipartimento di Fisica and INFN-Sezione di Roma, 00185, Roma, Italy
12 Imperial College, SW7 2BZ, London, United Kingdom
13 CCLRC, Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, OX11 0QX, Didcot, United Kingdom
14 Laboratoire Leprince-Ringuet, Ecole Polytechnique, 91128, Palaiseau Cedex, France
15 Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule, ETH, 8093, Zürich, Switzerland
16 Delhi University, 110 007, Delhi, India
17 Universitá di Torino, Dipartimento di Fisica and INFN-Sezione di Torino, 10125, Torino, Italy
18 National Central University, Chung-Li, Taiwan ROC
19 Universitá degli Studi Milano-Bicocca and INFN-Sezione di Milano, 20126, Milano, Italy
20 California Institute of Technology, Charles C. Lauritsen Laboratory, CA91125, Pasadena, USA
21 Institut de Physique Nucléaire, IN2P3-CNRS and Université C. Bernard Lyon I, 69622, Villeurbanne, France
22 National Taiwan University, 106, Taipei, Taiwan ROC
23 Paul Scherrer Institut, 5232, Villigen, Switzerland
24 Yale University, CT 06520-8121, New Haven, USA
25 Institute for Nuclear Research, Russian Academy of Sciences, 117312, Moscow, Russia
26 Technical University of Split, FESB, 21000, Split, Croatia
27 Minnesota University, MN 55455, Minneapolis, USA
28 Bristol University, BS8 1TL, Bristol, United Kingdom
29 Brunel University, UB8 3PH, Middlesex, United Kingdom
30 Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, 400 085, Mumbai, India
31 State Research Center, 142284, Protvino (Moscow Region), Russia
32 Research Institute for Nuclear Problems, Byelorussian State University, 220050, Minsk, Byelorussia
33 Northeastern University, MA 02115-5096, Boston, USA
34 Cyprus University, 1678, Nicosia, Cyprus
35 Lebedev Physical Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, 117924, Moscow, Russia
36 Yerevan Physics Institute, 375036 Yerevan 36, Armenia
37 Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, 141980, Dubna (Moscow Region), Russia
(Received: 19 October 2005, Published online: 23 November 2005)
Performance tests of some aspects of the CMS ECAL were carried out on modules of the "barrel" sub-system in 2002 and 2003. A brief test with high energy electron beams was made in late 2003 to validate prototypes of the new Very Front End electronics. The final versions of the monitoring and cooling systems, and of the high and low voltage regulation were used in these tests. The results are consistent with the performance targets including those for noise and overall energy resolution, required to fulfil the physics programme of CMS at the LHC.
Correspondence: P. Adzic© Società Italiana di Fisica, Springer-Verlag 2005