Theoretical Physics
Probing signals of the littlest Higgs model via the WW fusion processes at the high energy e + e - collider
Department of Physics, Liaoning Normal University, 116029, Dalian, P.R. China
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In the framework of the littlest Higgs (LH) model, we consider the processes and , and we calculate the contributions of new particles to the cross sections of these processes in the future high energy e + e - collider (ILC) with TeV. We find that, with reasonable values of the free parameters, the deviations of the cross sections for the processes from their SM values might be comparable to the future ILC measurement precision. The contributions of the light Higgs boson H 0 to the process are significantly large in all of the parameter space preferred by the electroweak precision data, which might be detected in the future ILC experiments. However, the contributions of the new gauge bosons B H and Z H to this process are very small.
© Springer-Verlag, 2005