Predictions for high-energy real and virtual photon--photon scattering from color dipole BFKL--Regge factorization
Institut für Kernphysik, Forschungszentrum Jülich, 52425 Jülich, Germany
L.D. Landau Institute for Theoretical Physics, Chernogolovka, Moscow Region 142 432, Russia
Institute for Theoretical and Experimental Physics, Moscow 117218, Russia
Published online:
High-energy virtual photon--virtual photon scattering can be viewed as an interaction of small size color dipoles from the beam and target photons, which makes γ*γ*, γ*γ scattering at high energies (LEP, LEP200 and NLC) an indispensable probe of the short distance properties of the QCD pomeron exchange. Based on the color dipole representation, we investigate the consequences for the γ*γ*,γ*γ scattering of the incorporation of asymptotic freedom into the BFKL equation which makes the QCD pomeron a series of isolated poles in the angular momentum plane. The emerging color dipole BFKL--Regge factorization allows us to relate in a model-independent way the contributions of each BFKL pole to γ*γ*,γ*γ scattering and DIS off protons. Numerical predictions based on our early works on the color dipole BFKL phenomenology of DIS on protons are in good agreement with the experimental data on the photon structure function F2γ and the most recent data on the γ*γ* cross section σγ*γ*(Y) from the OPAL and L3 experiments at LEP200. We discuss the role of non-perturbative dynamics and predict a pronounced effect of the Regge-factorization breaking due to large unfactorizable non-perturbative corrections to the perturbative vacuum exchange. We comment on the salient features of the BFKL--Regge expansion for γ*γ*,γ*γ scattering including the issue of the decoupling of subleading BFKL poles and the soft plus rightmost hard BFKL pole dominance.
© Societé Italiana di Fisica, Springer-Verlag, 2001