Eur. Phys. J. C 21, 81-91 (2001)
DOI: 10.1007/s100520100733
Single top production in e+ e-, e- e-, and collisions
E. Boos1, 2, M. Dubinin1, 2, A. Pukhov1, M. Sachwitz2 and H.J. Schreiber21 Institute of Nuclear Physics, Moscow State University, 119899 Moscow, Russia
2 DESY Zeuthen, 15738 Zeuthen, Germany
(Received: 27 April 2001 / Revised version: 31 May 2001 / Published online: 19 July 2001 -© Springer-Verlag / Società Italiana di Fisica 2001 )
Single top quark cross section evaluations for the complete sets of
tree-level diagrams in the
e+ e-, e- e-, and
modes of the next
linear collider
with unpolarized and polarized beams are performed within the standard
and beyond.
From a comparison of all possibilities we conclude that the process
is extremely favored due to large
cross sections, there being no background, the high
degrees of beam
polarization, and the exceptional sensitivities to Vtb
and anomalous Wtb couplings. Similar reasons favor the process
for probing
top quark properties despite a considerably lower cross section.
Less favorable are processes like
Three processes were chosen to probe their sensitivities
to anomalous Wtb couplings, with best bounds found for
© Società Italiana di Fisica, Springer-Verlag 2001