We are very thankful to you and our referee for your work! Especially we are thankful to the referee. His work has been done at a high professional level!
Thank you for the excellent service of EPJC during submission.
We are grateful to the Editor, to the Referee for careful reading of the manuscript, for the interesting and useful remarks, which allow us to improve the text and clarify some of the results.
We thank you and the Editorial Office for the editorial work during the submission and revision of the manuscripts. We are particularly grateful to the Referee for his/her valuable work which has contributed improving the scientific content of the manuscripts.
We sincerely thank the referee for his/her invaluable comments during the review process. We certainly consider EPJC for future submissions.
We especially appreciate the reviewer's patience and many helpful suggestions.
Thank you for the quick and efficient review process.
Thank you for accepting the paper. Thanks also to the Associate Editor and the referee for their speedy and helpful comments during the review process. I will definitely keep EPJC in mind for future contributions.
The author would like to thank two anonymous referees for pointing out several shortcomings in a previous version of this paper and for suggestions to improve its clarity.
We feel that the inputs from the reviewing process have been very enriching and have significantly improved the quality of our discussion.
Best regards.