Regular Article - Theoretical Physics
Loop quantum effects on direct detection prediction in two-scalar dark matter scenario
Physics Department, Faculty of Science, Arak University, 38156-8-8349, Arak, Iran
Physics Department, Faculty of Science, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Mashhad, Iran
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We investigate the effect of quantum corrections on the elastic scattering cross section of dark matter off nucleus in two-scalar dark matter model. Among two extra singlet scalars in the two-scalar model, the lighter one is stable and plays the role of dark matter candidate and the heavier one contributes in dark matter co-annihilation processes in thermal history of the early universe. It is already known that the two-scalar model at tree level, unlike the single-scalar dark matter model, can easily evade the bounds from direct detection (DD) experiments. The claim here is that taking into account the loop effects, in some regions of the parameter space, the DM-nucleon cross section becomes larger than the tree level contribution. Therefore, loop effects move the regions which were below the neutrino floor at tree level, up to the regions which are detectable by future DD experiments.
© The Author(s) 2025
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