Regular Article - Theoretical Physics
Dynamics of inspiraling dark energy
Institute for Nuclear Research and Nuclear Energy, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, 1784, Sofia, Bulgaria
Department of Physics, University of Cincinnati, 45221, Cincinnati, OH, USA
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We investigate the dynamics of a multifield dark energy model, which arises from certain rapid-turning and inspiraling trajectories in field space. We find the speed of sound of the dark energy perturbations around the background and show that
is monotonically decreasing with time. Furthermore, it has a positive-definite lower bound that implies a certain clustering scale. We also extend the previously known background solution for dark energy to an exact solution that includes matter. This allows us to address the implications of our model for two cosmological tensions. More precisely, we argue that the
tension can be alleviated generically, while reducing the Hubble tension requires certain constraints on the parameter space of the model. Notably, a necessary condition for alleviating the Hubble tension is that the transition from matter domination to the dark energy epoch begins earlier than in
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Funded by SCOAP3.