Regular Article - Theoretical Physics
Spherically symmetric teleparallel geometries
Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Dalhousie University, B3H 3J5, Halifax, NS, Canada
Department of Mathematics and Statistics, St. Francis Xavier University, B2G 2W5, Antigonish, NS, Canada
Centrum Fizyki Teoretycznej, Polska Akademia Nauk, Al. Lotników 32/46, 02-668, Warsaw, Poland
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We are interested in the development of spherically symmetric geometries in F(T) teleparallel gravity which are of physical importance. We first express the general forms for the spherically symmetric frame and the zero curvature, metric compatible, spin connection. We then analyse the antisymmetric field equations (the solutions of which split into two cases, which we subsequently consider separately), and derive and analyse the resulting symmetric field equations. In order to further study the applications of spherically symmetric teleparallel models, we study 3 subcases in which there is an additional affine symmetry so that the resulting field equations reduce to a system of ordinary differential equations. First, we study static spherical symmetric geometries and solve the antisymmetric field equations and subsequently derive the full set of symmetric field equations. In particular, we investigate vacuum spacetimes and obtain a number of new solutions. Second, we consider an additional affine frame symmetry in order to expand the affine frame symmetry group to that of a spatially homogeneous Kantowski–Sachs geometry. Third, we study the special case of spherical symmetry with an additional fourth similarity affine vector.
© The Author(s) 2024
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