Regular Article - Theoretical Physics
Pauli-term-induced fixed points in d-dimensional QED
Theoretisch-Physikalisches Institut, Abbe Center of Photonics, Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena, Max-Wien-Platz 1, 07743, Jena, Germany
Helmholtz-Institut Jena, Fröbelstieg 3, 07743, Jena, Germany
GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung, Planckstr. 1, 64291, Darmstadt, Germany
Max Planck School of Photonics, Hans-Knöll-Straße 1, 07745, Jena, Germany
Published online:
We explore the fixed-point structure of QED-like theories upon the inclusion of a Pauli spin-field coupling. We concentrate on the fate of UV-stable fixed points recently discovered in spacetime dimensions upon generalizations to lower as well as higher dimensions for an arbitrary number of fermion flavors As an overall trend, we observe that going away from dimensions and increasing the flavor number tends to destabilize the non-Gaussian fixed points discovered in four spacetime dimensions. A notable exception is a non-Gaussian fixed point at finite Pauli spin-field coupling but vanishing gauge coupling, which also remains stable down to dimensions and for small flavor numbers. This includes also the range of degrees of freedom used in effective theories of layered condensed-matter systems. As an application, we construct renormalization group trajectories that emanate from the non-Gaussian fixed point and approach a long-range regime in the conventional QED universality class that is governed by the interacting (quasi) fixed point in the gauge coupling.
© The Author(s) 2023
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Funded by SCOAP3. SCOAP3 supports the goals of the International Year of Basic Sciences for Sustainable Development.