Regular Article - Theoretical Physics
The two-channel exotic charmonium-like resonances in the mass region (3900–4700) MeV
NRC “Kurchatov Institute”, Moscow, Russia
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Numerous resonances in the and 4q systems, containing
quarks (or light
) were observed during last decades and recently the LHCb has found a remarkable narrow peak
in the
system. Besides there are several highly excited charmonium-like resonances, which can be treated as the shifted standard charmonium states. We analyze all these groups of the resonances in the mass region (3900–4700) MeV, using relativistic strong coupling theory with possible channel coupling phenomena. For the shifted charmonium states conventional charmonium spectrum is presented, being calculated with the relativistic string Hamiltonian, which does not contain fitting parameters, while for high excitations the universal flattened confining potential is used. It is shown that X(4274), X(4500), X(4700) can be identified as
states. The group of exotic states are considered using the Extended Recoupling Model, where two mesons
transfer into another pair of mesons
and back (infinite number of times), creating the four-quark resonance. Within this approach the resonances –
, and X(4140) – can be explained as the exotic four-quark states in the S-wave decay channels.
© The Author(s) 2022
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Funded by SCOAP3. SCOAP3 supports the goals of the International Year of Basic Sciences for Sustainable Development.