Regular Article - Theoretical Physics
Hadron interactions for arbitrary energies and species, with applications to cosmic rays
Department of Astronomy and Theoretical Physics, Lund University, Sölvegatan 14A, 223 62, Lund, Sweden
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The Pythia event generator is used in several contexts to study hadron and lepton interactions, notably and collisions. In this article we extend the hadronic modelling to encompass the collision of a wide range of hadrons h with either a proton or a neutron, or with a simplified model of nuclear matter. To this end we model total and partial cross sections as a function of energy, and introduce new parton distribution functions for a wide range of hadrons, as required for a proper modelling of multiparton interactions. The potential usefulness of the framework is illustrated by a simple study of the evolution of cosmic rays in the atmosphere, and by an even simpler one of shower evolution in a solid detector material. The new code will be made available for future applications.
© The Author(s) 2022
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