Regular Article - Theoretical Physics
Adding complex fermions to the Grassmannian-like coset model
Department of Physics, Kyungpook National University, 41566, Daegu, Korea
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In the supersymmetric coset model, , we construct the SU(M) nonsinglet multiplet of spins in terms of coset fields. The next SU(M) singlet and nonsinglet multiplets of spins are determined by applying the supersymmetry currents of spin to the bosonic singlet and nonsinglet currents of spin 3 in the bosonic coset model. We also obtain the operator product expansions (OPEs) between the currents of the superconformal algebra and above three kinds of multiplets. These currents in two dimensions play the role of the asymptotic symmetry, as the generators of “rectangular W-algebra”, of the matrix generalization of higher spin theory in the bulk. The structure constants in the right hand sides of these OPEs are dependent on the three parameters k, N and M explicitly. Moreover, the OPEs between SU(M) nonsinglet multiplet of spins and itself are analyzed in detail. The complete OPE between the lowest component of the SU(M) singlet multiplet of spins and itself is described. In particular, when , it is known that the above supersymmetric coset model provides the realization of the extension of the large nonlinear superconformal algebra. We determine the currents of the large nonlinear superconformal algebra and the higher spin- currents of the lowest multiplet for generic k and N in terms of the coset fields. For the remaining higher spin- currents of the lowest multiplet, some of the results are given.
© The Author(s) 2021
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