Regular Article - Theoretical Physics
Revisiting the role of CP-conserving processes in cosmological particle–antiparticle asymmetries
School of Physical Sciences, Indian Association for the Cultivation of Science, 2A and 2B Raja S.C. Mullick Road, 700 032, Kolkata, India
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We point out qualitatively different possibilities on the role of CP-conserving processes in generating cosmological particle–antiparticle asymmetries, with illustrative examples from models in leptogenesis and asymmetric dark matter production. In particular, we consider scenarios in which the CP-violating and CP-conserving processes are either both decays or both scatterings, thereby being naturally of comparable rates. This is in contrast to the previously considered CP-conserving processes in models of leptogenesis in different see-saw mechanisms, in which the CP-conserving scatterings typically have lower rates compared to the CP-violating decays, due to a Boltzmann suppression. We further point out that the CP-conserving processes can play a dual role if the asymmetry is generated in the mother sector itself, in contrast to the conventional scenarios in which it is generated in the daughter sector. This is because, the CP-conserving processes initially suppress the asymmetry generation by controlling the out-of-equilibrium number densities of the bath particles, but subsequently modify the ratio of particle antiparticle yields at the present epoch by eliminating the symmetric component of the bath particles through pair-annihilations, leading to a competing effect stemming from the same process at different epochs. We find that the asymmetric yields for relevant particle–antiparticle systems can vary by orders of magnitude depending upon the relative size of the CP-conserving and violating reaction rates.
© The Author(s) 2021
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