Regular Article - Theoretical Physics
Effect of color reconnection and rope formation on resonance production in p–p collisions in Pythia 8
Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, 400076, Mumbai, India
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Resonance production in proton–proton collisions at TeV and 13 TeV have been investigated using a Pythia 8 event generator within the framework of microscopic processes including color reconnection and rope hadronization. Specifically, the observable effects of different modes of color reconnections on the ratio of yields of mesonic and baryonic resonances with respect to their stable counterpart have been explored as a function of mean charged particle multiplicity. A suppression in the ratio is observed as a function of the mean number of charged particles for mesonic resonances. The
ratios show an enhancement for high-multiplicity events due to enhanced production of strange quarks via the microscopic process of rope hadronization in the partonic phase. The mechanism of the hadronization of color ropes together with the quark–gluon plasma (QCD)-based color reconnection of partons predicted an enhancement in the ratio for baryonic resonances to non-resonance baryons having similar quark content. The yield ratios of resonances are found to be independent of the collision energy and strongly dependent on event activity.
© The Author(s) 2021
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