Regular Article - Theoretical Physics
Lotty – The loop-tree duality automation
Max-Planck-Institut für Physik, Werner-Heisenberg-Institut, 80805, Munich, Germany
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Elaborating on the novel formulation of the loop-tree duality, we introduce the Mathematica package Lotty that automates the latter at multi-loop level. By studying the features of Lotty and recalling former studies, we discuss that the representation of any multi-loop amplitude can be brought in a form, at integrand level, that only displays physical information, which we refer to as the causal representation of multi-loop Feynman integrands. In order to elucidate the role of Lotty in this automation, we recall results obtained for the calculation of the dual representation of integrands up-to four loops. Likewise, within Lotty framework, we provide support to the all-loop causal representation recently conjectured by the same author. The numerical stability of the integrands generated by Lotty is studied in two-loop planar and non-planar topologies, where a numerical integration is performed and compared with known results.
Copyright comment corrected publication 2021
© The Author(s) 2021. corrected publication 2021
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