Regular Article - Theoretical Physics
The order analysis for the two loop corrections to lepton MDM
Department of Physics, Hebei University, 071002, Baoding, China
Key Laboratory of High-precision Computation and Application of Quantum Field Theory of Hebei Province, 071002, Baoding, China
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The experimental data of the magnetic dipole moment(MDM) of lepton(e, ) is very exact. The deviation between the experimental data and the standard model prediction maybe come from new physics contribution. In the supersymmetric models, there are very many two loop diagrams contributing to the lepton MDM. In supersymmetric models, we suppose two mass scales
and M with
for supersymmetric particles. Squarks belong to
and the other supersymmetric particles belong to M. We analyze the order of the contributions from the two loop diagrams. The two loop triangle diagrams corresponding to the two loop self-energy diagram satisfy Ward-identity, and their contributions possess particular factors. This work can help to distinguish the important two loop diagrams giving corrections to lepton MDM.
© The Author(s) 2020
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