Regular Article - Theoretical Physics
The invariant factor of the chiral determinant
Departamento de Física Atómica, Molecular y Nuclear, Universidad de Granada, 18071, Granada, Spain
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The coupling of spin 0 and spin 1 external fields to Dirac fermions defines a theory which displays gauge chiral symmetry. Quantum-mechanically, functional integration of the fermions yields the determinant of the Dirac operator, known as the chiral determinant. Its modulus is chiral invariant but not so its phase, which carries the chiral anomaly through the Wess–Zumino–Witten term. Here we find the remarkable result that, upon removal from the chiral determinant of this known anomalous part, the remaining chiral-invariant factor is just the square root of the determinant of a local covariant operator of the Klein–Gordon type. This procedure bypasses the integrability obstruction allowing one to write down a functional that correctly reproduces both the modulus and the phase of the chiral determinant. The technique is illustrated by computing the effective action in two dimensions at leading order (LO) in the derivative expansion. The results previously obtained by indirect methods are indeed reproduced.
PACS: 11.30.Rd – / 11.15.Tk – / 11.10.Kk –
© Springer-Verlag , 2008