Theoretical Physics
“Naked” Cronin effect in A + A collisions from SPS to RHIC
Department of Physics and Astronomy, Iowa State University, IA 50011-3160, Ames, USA
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Baseline computations of the Cronin effect in nuclear collisions at energies spanning the SPS and the RHIC accelerators are performed in the Glauber-Eikonal model, which ascribes the effect to initial-state incoherent multiple parton scatterings. The model accounts very well for the mid-rapidity Cronin effect in hadron-nucleus collisions in the -200 GeV center of mass energy range, and will be extended to nucleus-nucleus collisions. The computations are performed under the assumption that the partons do not interact with the medium produced in the collision. Therefore, medium effects such as energy loss in a quark-gluon plasma may be detected and measured as deviations from the presented baseline computation of the “naked” Cronin effect.
© Springer-Verlag, 2005