theoretical physics
Moments of semileptonic B decay distributionsin the 1/m b expansion
INFN, Sezione di Torino, 10125, Torino, Italy
Department of Physics, University of Notre Dame du Lac, IN 46556, Notre Dame, USA
INFN, Sezione di Milano, Milano, Italy
We report the OPE-based predictions for a number of lepton energy and hadronic mass moments in the inclusive semileptonic decays with a lower cut on the charged lepton energy. We rely on the direct OPE approach where no expansion in the charm mass is employed and the theoretical input is a limited set of underlying OPE parameters including m b and m c . A Wilsonian treatment with a “hard” cutoff is applied using running low-scale masses and a kinetic expectation value . This leaves for perturbative corrections only genuinely short-distance effects and makes them numerically small. Predictions are also given for the modified hadronic moments of the kinematic variable which is a combination of M X 2 and E X . The measurement of such moments would allow a more reliable extraction to be made of higher-order non-perturbative heavy quark parameters from experiment.
© Springer-Verlag, 2004