theoretical physics
Leptoproduction of mesons within Regge approach
Petersburg Nuclear Physics Institute, Russian Academy of Science, 188300, Gatchina, St.Petersburg district, Russia
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A model describing the leptoproduction of mesons is considered. For the amplitude of the photon dissociation into a pair, the light-cone wave function is used. Scattering of the colorless pair off the nucleon is computed within reggeon exchange phenomenology. The transition of the scattered quark and antiquark into the final meson is treated with the aid of the parton-hadron duality concept. Numerical calculations of and r 04 00 describe the world data at Q 2 < 4 GeV2 rather reasonably. The calculations of the meson spin density matrix show that the computed matrix elements except r 04 00 are in good agreement with the available experimental data at Q 2 up to 8 GeV2 and the total mass of the system greater than 4 GeV. The Regge phenomenology predictions at the highest experimentally available energies agree with both the HERA data and calculations performed within the perturbative QCD approach even for very high Q 2 (-20 GeV2). The predicted scale of the S-channel helicity non-conservation is in reasonable agreement with the experimental data.
© Springer-Verlag, 2004