DOI: 10.1140/epjc/s2003-01175-7
Angular distribution of particle flows and perturbative QCD predictions
M.A. Buican1, V.A. Khoze2 and W. Ochs11 Max-Planck-Institut für Physik, (Werner-Heisenberg-Institut), Föhringer Ring 6, 80805 München, Germany
2 Department of Physics and Institute for Particle Physics Phenomenology, University of Durham, Durham, DH1 3LE, UK
(Received: 16 December 2002 / Revised version: 12 February 2003 / Published online: 24 March 2003)
We discuss the predictions of
perturbative QCD for angular flows of final state particles
in two and three jet events
including their
cms energy and jet resolution (
dependence. The simple
analytical formulae for gluon bremsstrahlung from primary partons,
modified for gluon cascading,
reproduce the main features of the experimental data well.
ycut-selected events, the particle flow is derived from a
superposition of colour dipoles in much the same way that photon radiation
is derived from electric dipoles.
© Società Italiana di Fisica, Springer-Verlag 2003