DOI 10.1007/s100520000463
An effective approach to VMD at one loop order
and the departures from ideal mixing for vector mesons
M. Benayoun1 - L. DelBuono1 - Ph. Leruste1 - H.B. O'Connell2
1 LPNHE des Universités Paris VI et VII-IN2P3, Paris, France
2 Stanford Linear Accelerator Center, Stanford University, Stanford CA 94309, USA
Received: 5 April 2000 / Revised version: 8 June 2000 /
Published online: 31 August 2000 - © Springer-Verlag
We examine the mechanisms producing departures
from ideal mixing for vector mesons within the
context of the Hidden Local Symmetry (HLS) model.
We show that kaon loop transitions between the ideal
combinations of the
necessitate a field transformation in order to get
the mass eigenstates. It is shown that
this transformation is close to a rotation for
processes involving, like meson decays,
The HLS model predicts a momentum dependent,
slowly varying mixing angle between the ideal states. We
examine numerically the consequences of this
for radiative and leptonic decays of light mesons.
The mean
mixing angle is found
smaller than its ideal value; this is exhibited separately in
radiative and in leptonic decays. Effects of nonet symmetry breaking
in the vector sector are compared to those produced by
the field rotation implied by the HLS model.
Copyright Società Italiana di Fisica, Springer-Verlag 2000