2023 Impact factor 4.2
Particles and Fields
Eur. Phys. J. C 13, 255-265
DOI 10.1007/s100520000321

Measurements of the np total cross section difference $\Delta \sigma_L$ at 1.59, 1.79 and 2.20 GeV

V.I.Sharov1 - S.A.Zaporozhets1 - B.P.Adiasevich2 - N.G.Anischenko1 - V.G.Antonenko2 - L.S.Azhgirey3 - V.D.Bartenev1 - N.A.Bazhanov4 - N.A.Blinov1 - N.S.Borisov3 - S.B.Borzakov5 - Yu.T.Borzunov1 - L.V.Budkin $^{3,\dagger}$ - V.F.Burinov3 - Yu.P.Bushuev1 - L.P.Chernenko5 - E.V.Chernykh1 - S.A. Dolgii1 - V.M.Drobin1 - G.Durand6 - A.P.Dzyubak7 - A.N.Fedorov8 - V.V.Fimushkin1 - M.Finger3,9 - M.Finger, Jr.3 - L.B.Golovanov1 - G.M.Gurevich10 - A.Janata3,11 - A.V.Karpunin $^{1,\dagger}$ - B.A.Khachaturov3 - A.D.Kirillov1 - A.D.Kovalenko1 - A.I.Kovalev4 - V.G.Kolomiets3 - A.A.Kochetkov12 - E.S.Kuzmin3 - V.P.Ladygin1 - A.B.Lazarev3 - F.Lehar6 - A. de Lesquen6 - A.A.Lukhanin7 - P.K.Maniakov1 - V.N.Matafonov3 - A.B.Neganov3 - M.S.Nikitina12 - G.P.Nikolaevsky1 - A.A.Nomofilov1 - Tz.Panteleev5,13 - Yu.K.Pilipenko1 - I.L.Pisarev3 - N.M.Piskunov1 - Yu.A.Plis3 - Yu.P.Polunin2 - A.N.Prokofiev4 - P.A.Rukoyatkin1 - O.N.Shchevelev3 - V.A.Shchedrov4 - S.N.Shilov3 - Yu.A.Shishov1 - V.B.Shutov1 - M.Slunecka3,9 - V.Slunecková3 - A.Yu.Starikov1 - G.D.Stoletov3 - L.N.Strunov1 - A.L.Svetov1 - A.P.Tsvinev1 - Yu.A.Usov3 - V.I.Volkov1 - V.P.Yershov1 - A.A.Zhdanov4 - V.N.Zhmyrov3

$^\dagger$ Deseased

This paper is dedicated to the memory of Rostislav Mikhailovich Ryndin, one of the principal founders of relations for the nucleon-nucleon spin-dependent total cross sections.

1 Laboratory of High Energies, JINR, 141980 Dubna, Moscow region, Russia
2 Russian Scientific Center "Kurchatov Institute", Kurchatova Street 46, 123182 Moscow, Russia
3 Laboratory of Nuclear Problems, JINR, 141980 Dubna, Moscow region, Russia
4 Petersburg Nuclear Physics Institute, High Energy Physics Division, 188350 Gatchina, Russia
5 Frank Laboratory of Neutron Physics, JINR, 141980 Dubna, Moscow region, Russia
6 DAPNIA, CEA/Saclay, 91191 Gif-sur-Yvette Cedex, France
7 Kharkov Institute of Physics and Technology, Akademicheskaya Street 1, 310108 Kharkov, Ukraine
8 Laboratory of Particle Physics, JINR, 141980 Dubna, Moscow region, Russia
9 Charles University, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, V Holesovickách 2, 18000 Praha 8, Czech Republic
10 Russian Academy of Sciences, Institute for Nuclear Research, 60th Oct. Aniversary Prospect 7A, 117312 Moscow, Russia
11 Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Nuclear Research Institute, 25068 Rez, Czech Republic
12 Moscow State University, Faculty of Physics, 119899 Moscow, Russia
13 Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Institute for Nuclear Research and Nuclear Energy, Tsarigradsko shaussee boulevard 72, 1784 Sofia, Bulgaria

Received: 19 August 1999 / Published online: 3 February 2000 - © Springer-Verlag 2000

New results of the neutron-proton spin-dependent total cross section difference $\Delta\sigma_L(np)$at the neutron beam kinetic energies 1.59, 1.79 and 2.20 GeV are presented. Measurements were performed at the Synchrophasotron of the Laboratory of High Energies of the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research in Dubna. A quasi-monochromatic neutron beam was produced by break-up of extracted polarized deuterons. Neutrons were transmitted through a large polarized proton target. Measurements were performed either with a parallel or an antiparallel beam and target polarizations, both oriented along the beam momentum. The results at the two higher energies were measured with two opposite beam and target polarization directions. Only one target polarization direction was available at 1.59 GeV. The present measurements agree well with existing data. A fast decrease of the $-\Delta\sigma_L(np)$ values with increasing energy above 1.1 GeV was confirmed. The new results are also compared with model predictions and with phase shift analysis fits. The $\Delta \sigma_L$ quantities for isosinglet state I=0, deduced from the measured $\Delta\sigma_L(np)$ values and known $\Delta\sigma_L(pp)$ data, are given.

Copyright Società Italiana di Fisica, Springer-Verlag 2000