Eur. Phys. J. C 10, 405-408
DOI 10.1007/s100529900143
Measurement of the xF3 and F2 structure functions in the low Q2 region with the IHEP-JINR neutrino detector
A.V. Sidorov1 - V.B. Anykeyev2 - Y.A. Batusov1 - S.A. Bunyatov1 - A.A. Borisov2 - N.I. Bozhko2 - S.K. Chernichenko2 - G.L. Chukin2 - O.Y. Denisov1 - R.M. Fachrutdinov2 - V.N. Goryachev2 - M.Y. Kazarinov1 - M.M. Kirsanov2 - O.L. Klimov1 - A.I. Kononov2 - A.S. Kozhin2 - A.V. Krasnoperov1 - V.I. Kravtsov2 - V.E. Kuznetsov1 - V.V. Lipajev2 - A.I. Mukhin2 - Y.A. Nefedov1 - B.A. Popov1 - S.N. Prakhov1 - Y.I. Salomatin2 - V.I. Snyatkov1 - Y.M. Sviridov2 - V.V. Tereshchenko1 - V.L. Tumakov2 - V.Y. Valuev1 - A.S. Vovenko2
1 Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, 141980 Dubna Moscow Region,
2 Institute for High Energy Physics, 142284 Protvino Moscow Region,
Received: 3 November 1998 / Revised version: 27 May 1999 / Published online: 12 August 1999
The isoscalar structure
functions xF3 and F2 are measured
as functions of x averaged over all Q2 permissible for the
range of 6 to 28GeV of incident neutrino (anti-neutrino) energy
at the IHEP-JINR neutrino detector.
The QCD analysis of the xF3 structure function yields
under the assumption of the validity of
QCD in the region of low Q2.
The corresponding value of the strong interaction constant
agrees with the recent result of the CCFR collaboration
and with the combined LEP/SLC result.
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