2023 Impact factor 4.2
Particles and Fields
Eur. Phys. J. C 5, 621-624
DOI 10.1007/s100529800902

First observation of the $\Xi^{-}$$\pi^{+}$ decay mode of the $\Xi^{0}$(1690) hyperon

WA89 Collaboration
M.I. Adamovich 8 - Yu.A. Alexandrov 8 - D. Barberis 3 - M. Beck 5 - C. Bérat 3 - W. Beusch 2 - M. Boss 6 - S. Brons 5 - W. Brückner 5 - M. Buénerd 4 - Ch. Busch 6 - Ch. Büscher 5 - F. Charignon 4 - J. Chauvin 4 - E.A. Chudakov 6 - U. Dersch 5 - F. Dropmann 5 - J. Engelfried 6, - F. Faller 6 - A. Fournier 4 - S.G. Gerassimov 5 8 - M. Godbersen 5 - P. Grafström 2 - Th. Haller 5 - M. Heidrich 5 - E. Hubbard 5 - R.B. Hurst 3 - K. Königsmann 5 - I. Konorov 5 - N. Keller 6 - K. Martens 6 - Ph. Martin 4 - S. Masciocchi 5 - R. Michaels 5 - U. Müller 7 - H. Neeb 5 - D. Newbold 1 - C. Newsom - S. Paul 5 - J. Pochodzalla 5 - I. Potashnikova 5 - B. Povh 5 - Z. Ren 5 - M. Rey-Campagnolle 4 - G. Rosner 7 - L. Rossi 3 - H. Rudolph 7 - C. Scheel - L. Schmitt 7 - H.-W. Siebert 6 - A. Simon 6 - V. Smith 1 - O. Thilmann 6 - A. Trombini 5 - E. Vesin 4 - B. Volkemer 7 - K. Vorwalter 5 - Th. Walcher 7 - G. Wälder 6 - R. Werding 5 - E. Wittmann 5 - M.V. Zavertyaev 58

1 University of Bristol, Bristol, United Kingdom
2 CERN, CH-1211 Genève 23, Switzerland
3 Genoa Univ./INFN, Dipt. di Fisica,I-16146 Genova, Italy
4 Grenoble ISN, F-38026 Grenoble, France
5 Heidelberg Max-Planck-Inst. für Kernphysik, Postfach 103980, D-69029 Heidelberg, Germany
6 Heidelberg Univ., Physikal. Inst., D-69120 Heidelberg Germany
7 Mainz Univ., Inst. für Kernphysik, D-55099 Mainz, Germany$^{\rm k}$
8 Moscow Lebedev Physics Inst., RU-117924, Moscow, Russia

Received: 24 October 1997 / Published online: 21 September 1998

We report the first observation of the $\Xi^{-}$$\pi^{+}$ scattering mode of the $\Xi^{0}(1690)$, confirming the existence of this resonance. The $\Xi^{0}(1690)$ were produced by $\Sigma^-$ of 345 GeV/cmean momentum of copper and carbon targets. The mass and width are close to those observed earlier for the $\Xi^-(1690)$ in the $\Lambda K^-$ decay channel. The product of inclusive production cross section and branching ratio is given relative to that of the $\Xi^0(1530)$.

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