DOI 10.1007/s100529800787
QCD interactions of heavy mesons with pions
by light-cone sum rules
P. Colangelo1 - F. De Fazio1,2
1 I.N.F.N., Sezione di Bari, I-70126 Bari, Italy
2 Dipartimento di Fisica, Universitá di Bari, I-70126 Bari, Italy
Received: 30 May 1997 / Revised version: 7 October 1997 / Published online: 23 February 1998
Light-cone QCD sum rules are employed to compute the strong coupling constants:
, and , where
(B,B*) and (B0,B1) are negative and positive parity (0-,1-) and
(0+,1+) doublets.
The couplings are calculated both for finite values of the heavy quark mass
and in the infinite heavy quark mass limit,
deriving sum rules for .
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