Studying trilinear gauge couplings at linear collider energies
G.J. Gounaris1 - C.G. Papadopoulos2
1 Department of Theoretical Physics,
University of Thessaloniki, GR-54006 Thessaloniki, Greece
2 Institute of Nuclear Physics, NCSR
,GR-15310 Athens, Greece
Received: 9 April 1997 / Revised version: 18 June 1997
We investigate the sensitivity of the semileptonic processes
, ,on the non-standard trilinear gauge couplings, using
the optimal observables method at Linear Collider energies.
Our study is based on the four-fermion generator ERATO.
Taking into account all possible
correlations between the
different trilinear gauge coupling parameters, we show that
they can be measured
with an accuracy of 10-3 to 10-4 for typical Linear Collider
energies and luminosities.
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