DOI 10.1007/s100529900280
Measurement of high-Q2 charged-current e+p deep inelastic scattering cross sections at HERA
The ZEUS Collaboration
J. Breitweg - et al.
Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne, IL, USA
Received: 7 July 1999 / Published online: 21 December 1999
The e+p charged-current deep inelastic scattering cross sections,
for Q2 between 200 and 60000 GeV2, and
for Q2 > 200 GeV2, have been measured
with the ZEUS detector at HERA.
A data sample of 47.7 pb-1, collected at a center-of-mass energy of 300 GeV,
has been used. The double-differential cross-section
by a factor of about 50000 as Q2 increases from 280 to 30000 GeV2.
The double differential cross section
has also been
A comparison between the data and Standard Model (SM) predictions shows that
contributions from antiquarks (
quarks (d and s) are both required by the data.
The predictions of the SM give a good description of the full body of the
data presented here.
A comparison of the charged-current cross-section
the recent ZEUS results for neutral-current scattering shows that
the weak and electromagnetic forces have similar strengths for Q2above
M2W, M2Z.
A fit to the data for
with the Fermi constant GF and MWas free parameters yields
Results for MW, where the propagator effect alone or the SM constraint
between GF and MW have been considered, are also presented.
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